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  • Rules of the Ranks

    Leaders: Cannot be in another Army
    LiT's and 2ics: Can be in 1 other Army, but cannot be a leader of that Army
    Officer Ranks(Mods): 1 other Army and is able to be a leader of that Army
    Members: Have Fun!

Hello/Active count

Hello FGR your all probably like OMFG MOMO IS BACK!!!1111111!!SHIFT11!!!!1.  Dont worry im not that Momo

Now id like all FGR before i state about my self and why I am admin on site to fill out the forum below for active count!. If this is not Filled out you will be taken off ranks

  1. Cp User name
  2. Rank
  3. How active are you on a scale of 1-10
  4. If you answered five or bellow to the question above why are you so inactive?
  5. What was the last event you went to?

And thats all my FGR commrades

Now if any of you want some info on me read this if not scroll down and fill out the forum .

I am the Second momo momo941. Yes I was here before your former leader momo quite frankly i didn’t ask for leader but Elitesof (founder) himself told me to be leader of the FGR . I joined the Club Penguin army community in about 06 in the color wars in the red clan for about 2 weeks then left then i rejoined in 07-08 from 09-10 i left and now im back 😀 . I am most known for my rising ability on the NFF. I rose the NFF to the large top ten as I plan to do to the FGR. I hope im not invading you guys i know im new but please do respect me or pay :mrgreen:  If you want to see me ill be on chat Daily.

‘Tis better to be alone, then of bad company.  ~Momo941

13 Responses

  1. Cp User name percy jacks2
    Rank leader
    How active are you on a scale of 1-10 10
    If you answered five or bellow to the question above why are you so inactive?
    What was the last event you went to? hmm tacit session

  2. 1: Cahillguy
    2: Grand General
    3: 5- 😦
    4: Bad times for a NZer, and also because I forgot the DST law in NZ, so I got confused with the times. But I think I figured it out.
    5: *Facepalm* None of the recent events. Really sorry about that.

  3. 1.Cp User name
    3.How active are you on a scale of 1-10
    4.If you answered five or bellow to the question above why are you so inactive?
    I answered with 7.
    5.What was the last event you went to?
    Recruitment/chat rally

  4. This is pathetic, this person is leader because Dalton wanted them leader WTF! I’m not going to complain since in the last 30seconds I’ve stepped down to advisor, to focus on my Nachos career.

  5. Eh I’m retiring from this army. momo can remain leader, I don’t care I just don’t want to have to revive this army again. Momo is a good leader though and army’s have gotten boring to me.

  6. 1. Ghj147
    2. 2ic
    3. 8
    4. I’m active
    5. I sadly haven’t been to any events due to time conflicts.

  7. 1.Polov
    2.Idk(I just joined + i`m not on ranks)
    3.7+(Because i`m in 2 other armies)
    4.I`ll try my best to balance with 2 armies
    5.I just started (so i haven`t been to events yet)


  8. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sir Peeko~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    1.Sir Peeko
    4. I am acitve you fool!
    5. Uhh I have no idea.

  9. 1.Red Gush24
    2. no idea but I need a higher rank I’ve been in armies for 5 years and im leader of 6 armies
    4.Yea i’ll do my best
    5. I forget.

  10. Cp User name?Fanta Pengu/Rockyou41
    Rank?Leader of the mods
    How active are you on a scale of 1-10?9
    If you answered five or bellow to the question above why are you so inactive?I quit then re-joined.
    What was the last event you went to?IDK

  11. CP User Name?Polov Re-Do (because i have a rank)
    Rank?Ghost Recon
    How actice are you on a scale of 1-10?6.9(Need to balance with other armies)
    If you answered five or bellow to the quetion why arwe you so inactive?i`m on 6.9 (I need to balance with other armies)
    WHat was the last event you went to?Since theres no Australian time i haven`t been to a event yet…(I don`t know what time a event is if theres no Australian time) *Sighs* 😦


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